Everyone's Invited
This is Everyone's Invited! Each week we take an interesting, funny, or timely topic or question, send it out into the universe, cross our fingers that you guys write in, and then read the responses on the show. We invite you to join the conversation by following us on Instagram @everyonesinvitedpodcast. See upcoming topics and share your stories!
Everyone's Invited
23. Medical Parents and Inclusion with Kate Livingstone
We had our good friend Kate on this week to talk with us about being a medical parent and how to promote inclusion in our own children! She has the best advice and a super interesting story with her adorable daughter Kai. You can follow her here if you have any questions for her @klovestone and here are the books and Instagram accounts she recommends in the podcast:
1. All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold
2. When Charlie Met Emma By Amy Webb and Awesomely Emma
3. Hiya Moriah by Victoria Nelson
1. @tinab_disabilityinclusioned
2. @disabilitytogether
3. @specialbooksbyspecialkids