Everyone's Invited
This is Everyone's Invited! Each week we take an interesting, funny, or timely topic or question, send it out into the universe, cross our fingers that you guys write in, and then read the responses on the show. We invite you to join the conversation by following us on Instagram @everyonesinvitedpodcast. See upcoming topics and share your stories!
Everyone's Invited
34. Moving to Puerto Rico, getting out of your comfort zone, and more with Nicole McMaster!
We had the pleasure of talking with Kelli's amazing sister Nicole and hearing all about her family's decision to make the move from Washington to Puerto Rico! Come find out all the details: how they did it, what it's been like, the ups and downs, and her awesome new venture inspired by the people and nature of Puerto Rico! Follow along with her new shop on Instagram @shoplocalwonder and her Instagram showing everything Puerto Rico @frompr_withlove. Her Etsy can be found here and you can follow us on Instagram @everyonesinvitedpodcast to see upcoming topics and share stories with us!