Everyone's Invited
This is Everyone's Invited! Each week we take an interesting, funny, or timely topic or question, send it out into the universe, cross our fingers that you guys write in, and then read the responses on the show. We invite you to join the conversation by following us on Instagram @everyonesinvitedpodcast. See upcoming topics and share your stories!
Everyone's Invited
35. Traveling with Kids with Bri Hepworth of Mini Voyager! Tips, tricks, and some crazy stories :)
Come learn from kid travel expert Bri about her tips for traveling with a kid for your first time, her top 3 tips for flying and road tripping with little ones, some crazy travel stories, and more! Check out her brilliant shop Mini Voyager before you take your kids on their next trip! She has the perfect travel bags put together for kids of all ages - and customizable! Follow her on Instagram @minivoyager_ for more travel tips, recommendations, videos, etc! And don't forget to follow us on Instagram @everyonesinvitedpodcast to stay up to date on all the new exciting things we have coming!
Mini Voyager Store
Pufferfish youtube breathing video